Tuesday 24 January 2012

Lady Gaga vs. Religion?

Lady Gaga loves a good BAD romance. 

Lady Gaga, the self-proclaimed 'Fame Monster' has amassed an immense fan base, otherwise known as her 'Little Monsters', through the creation of a 'religion' based on inclusivity, tolerance, peace and love. The question lies on whether or not this religion can really be considered a religion, or rather, is it more of a non-religion? Moreover, what are the positive associations related to her religion, that have developed over this relatively short period of time since her debut album The Fame, merely three years ago.

As was discussed in class, Lady Gaga grew up amongst Christians at the elite Roman Catholic all-girls school The Convent of the Sacred Heart, in New York, that she attended as a child. On many occasions Lady Gaga has stated her faith as a defining attribute of her created self. This is seen in numerous interviews where she states her beliefs with respect to the Church and religion - In an interview with Larry King, she goes on to say that she believes in God, Jesus and in prayer, and is a very spiritual person. However, she also expresses that religion to her is always, to some degree, prejudiced against other racial, sexual or religious groups which to her is "bogus". Rather, she envisions a future with a more peaceful religion for today's younger generation - this is the alternative she is attempting to offer her fans.

LINK to interview with Larry King from June 1st, 2010 - one of the topics discussed here is Lady Gaga's take on religion:

As someone mentioned in lecture today, Lady Gaga's religion is based on positive ideas such as creating a space of inclusion for her performances, where her audience is able to feel accepted into a community of sorts. These fans she often terms 'misfits' or 'freaks' are, as she describes, troubled individuals alike herself. In this respect, one could say that the set of beliefs she has follows are based upon a principle of inclusion, allowing people to feel wanted, as well as fostering a sense of self-love. Moreover, by being open to all sexual orientations and races, she is able to congregate a massive amount of people under one 'religion', which basically only insists on love as a main guiding principle.  In my opinion, this must certainly contribute to why so many young people belonging to this generation reject traditional ('uptight') religion, and are allured by new religions such as Lady Gaga's more liberal belief dogma.

Whether or not you agree that this artist is creating a positive impact on her followers, Lady Gaga is certainly finding unique ways to integrate religious elements that are meaningful to her in her lyrics, as well as in her music videos. Take a peek at a couple of examples of pieces from her wardrobe, and how these integrate overtly Christian symbols - such as the cross, or an interpretation of a nun's outfit.

1 comment:

  1. Hello~ Here's a response to your post! http://districtofthoughts.blogspot.ca/2012/04/in-response-to-lady-gaga-vs-religion.html
